DBA For James B. Nutter & Company NMLS 2067

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View account details, electronic statements, make and schedule payments, and more with our Customer Portal.

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If you would like to make a payment today without signing up for the portal, click here.

An important message to our customers about COVID-19 and the "CARES Act"

This link is for those wanting to learn more about payment forbearance, other options for mortgage assistance, or the effect of the pandemic on your mortgage.

If you have been directly impacted by COVID-19 and you or your spouse are facing financial challenges as a result of job loss or a reduction in hours; get up-to-date information and assistance here.

Fraud Alert

It has come to our attention that certain individuals have been contacting borrowers in a fraudulent attempt to collect supposedly delinquent mortgage payments.  The caller(s) have used the incentive of the borrower being able to avoid foreclosure if they immediately make a payment over the phone.  This is an attempt to fraudulently obtain the borrowers credit or debit card number and to use that number to make unauthorized charges.  We were made aware that the individual contacting the borrower may appear to be calling from a toll-free number with a caller ID of “JBN”.   If you receive such a call it is not from James B. Nutter & Company and you should not provide any information to the caller.  If you receive a call as described, please contact James B. Nutter & Company’s Compliance Department at (800) 943-7334, ext 1883 to report the incident.  In addition, you may wish to report the event to the FBI tips line 1-800-CALLFBI (225-5324) or online at: https://www.fbi.gov/tips.  Reports can be made anonymously.  If you have, and are willing to provide additional details about what occurred, the FBI’s electronic reporting form can be found at: https://tips.fbi.gov

New Name, Same Nutter!

Our newest brand, Nutter Home Loans, better identifies our dedication to home loans - whether you are purchasing a home or refinancing one.

Our servicing brand, for customers, will continue as James B. Nutter & Company.

Either way, Nutter is here to serve you and make sure your loan experience meets or exceeds your expectations.

Official Press Release
Attention Customers: If you were impacted by the recent storm disasters, please click here for more information.
Atención a los clientes: Si ha sido afectado por los recientes desastres de tormenta, por favor haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

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